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The mission of Parenting That Kid is to offer a central hub for adults, providing them with the necessary guidance, resources, expertise, and social connections crucial for effectively nurturing and educating children with or without an ADHD diagnosis in a dynamic and constantly evolving world.

Thrive. Learn. Play.

Hi there! I’m Ashleigh and I’m stoked you are here. I am a messy bun, yoga pants enthusiast mom who admittedly does not have it all together. I live the life of an overly tired, underpaid, personal assistant to 10-year-old twins with ADHD, Dyslexia, Sensory Struggles and Anxiety finding joy in between the chaos and challenges.

These 'extra' traits are the spark behind the 'Parenting That Kid' blog and podcast.

You’ll quickly find out that you do not need to have it all together to live a fulfilling life with your ADHD child. With some extra support and tools, you can find enjoyment and empower yourself to raise ADHD children who will Thrive, Learn, and Play beyond their unique challenges.


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