The Ultimate Toy Free Gift Guide for Kids

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “My kids do not need any more toys”?  Most of us probably have.  As a mom of twins who have ADHD, sensory struggles, and high emotions, I definitely have. While they are important to have, there is definitely a line of excess. When you have too many in the house you are creating space for clutter, constant cleaning, and overwhelm (for both parent and child). 

Before that overwhelming feeling takes over try giving the gift of a toy free season filled with laughter and fun and not all the  ‘stuff’. 

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Here are some great toy free ideas for gifts!

  • Gift of Experience

Toy’s last through a season, memories last a lifetime. Creating a connection with a child is priceless. Fill their stocking with a gift card to favorite restaurants followed by tickets to a local child theater production, mini golf, ceramic painting, batting cages, parent/child cooking classes, or season ticket to the local water park.

  • Gift of YES

Children who live ‘out of the box’ often hear the word ‘no’ more than other children. Give them the gift of ‘Yes’. A homemade coupon book filled with the word ‘yes’, or ‘pass’.  Here is an example of how these can be used. “Yes you can go out to play...even though we don’t normally go outside after dinner”. “You can take a pass on your chore tonight”. Gift these coupons with limited rules on how and when these can be turned in. Remember the purpose of these is to allow a child who hears ‘yes’ when they are used to hearing ‘no’. 

  • Pro Tip: Mix both gifts together. Give the gift of a ‘yes’ day filled with experiences the child has been asking to have. What might this look like? You can give the YES to a pancake breakfast followed by a bike ride, then burgers at their favorite burger joint, canoeing and a swim, topped off by an appetizer only dinner and a late night movie.’ You get to say ‘yes’ to their favorite day!!!!

  • Hands On Learning

Science and crafts that come right to your door!
Green Kid Crafts has some incredibly fun award winning science and craft kits!  They are perfect for ages 2-10+.  You can check them out here!

From Our Table To Yours

Create in the outdoors. A garden is a wonderful sensory gift that not only provides beauty and fun, but is educational and filled with many sensory experience. Help your child create the prepare the garden space based on what type of plants they like. Fill their stockings with seeds, garden gloves, shovels, gardening books and more. When a vistor is over, have your child show off their garden. For children living ‘out side the box’ encourage them to show off their accomplishments to others. Give them the gift of being proud.

  • Gift of Environment

A room should make a person feel like the ‘king’ of their space. Give the gift of a room change decorated with all their favorite hobbies and interests. Make sure to include them in the choices for the room, and of course when it comes to putting the room together. This is a wonderful coming of age gift, regardless of how old they are!

  • Gift of Need

As a parent, you know that there are items that your child just needs.  One way to make this need more of a novelty is to make it a gift!  Does your child need new rain boots and a raincoat?  Bundle these items together.  If your child needs new crafts, gift it!  Is your child growing like a weed and in need of new clothes?  GIFT IT!  There is nothing wrong with gifting a need - the whole reason we give gifts is to show our love.

This is a Parenting That Kid original!  Created by a mom of twins who have ADHD and sensory struggles, you will find a compilation of activities for ADHD, Anxiety, and Sensory Processing Disorder…Neurodiverse kids,  GUARANTEED to provide structure, comfort, and fun. - PLUS 1 sensory box filled with products to master 9 of the activities within the PDF guide (Fidget band included).

I hope these items give you fun and out of the box gift ideas for your kiddos!  For more tips, tricks, and resources for parenting children with ADHD be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok!

Ashleigh Tolliver