Healthy Snack Choices Your Kids Will Be Begging For

Childhood memories are filled with moments of celebrating, end of the game, time of the year, achievement, or congratulations.

My sweetest childhood memories are the moments gathering with friends around a table, the glow of candles welcoming the birthday child as they prepare for another trip around the sun. What fun childhood is!

These memories are filled with excitement, joy, anticipation, laughter, and enthusiasm. But they are also filled with purple flowery cakes, red and orange candies, rainbow sprinkled cookies, bright orange chips, blue, red, and yellow-colored drinks. 

Beyond the commonalities of celebrating something wonderful, these events also share the commonality of food. Not just food, but foods playing a hidden dangerous game to our little one’s bodies


Inflammation plays a dozy on the body. 

Many children react negatively to artificial coloring and food dyes, and yet they are found in so many child snacks, lunches, ‘treats’ and drinks. Y’all talk about serious internal inflammation!


Inflammation is the body’s response to injury or infection. It is the body’s way of saying it must heal its immune system that is now stressed and damaged. 


To the birthday party guests, it’s silent. Inflammation does not show its loud head or strut its bright colors. No, it silently waits and builds upon itself until the party excitement has died down, and the smoke from the last candle has long but drifted away.

Uncontrollable meltdowns, GI upset, lack of focus, anxiety, poor sleep, skin issues...just some of the ways these artificial colors show their ugly heads in our children.

I read about parents struggling with their children's behaviors and see pictures of Kool-aid in their cups. My heart breaks for the kid, physically unable to control their reactions to such dyes and sugars. My mommy's heart hurts for the parent, unaware that they are triggering physical struggles in their child, just by simply ‘hydrating’ their child. These are not bad parents, just unaware parents. We do better when we know better.

PSA, from one momma with two little ones who struggle and live a strict dietary life, check your labels, do your research, and clear your pantry.

Our family knows first hand the damage these dyes can do to a child in a short amount of time with minimal amount of exposure, and we don’t want other families suffering.

These dyes are awful!!

It’s not easy making dietary changes, especially in kids, but if you’re looking for healthier alternatives, foods that don’t inflame the body, here’s a list of items to get you started.


My kids love these items and don’t miss a beat in failing to realize they are not filled with artificial flavors or dyes. 


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Ashleigh TolliverComment