Posts in school
How to work with your Child's Teacher

This working relationship, teacher and parent, has shifted my child's understanding of his actions and reactions while at school and at home. When things begin to escalate and seem unmanageable I like to ask my son “what would his teacher say or do”? Much of the time, this will make him stop and think. He responds to my question matter of factually, and either continues on his rant or shifts his energy to something less destructive and more realistic. It’s OK if he continues, but you see, by asking him what his teacher would do he understands that I too will be doing that.

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How to Handle a Call from your Child’s Teacher

Here's the thing, as a mom you really hope you never see your child’s school number pop up on the screen of your phone. Day or night, it’s normally not the number that gets you all excited and full of hope.

It’s not going to be easy to accept that call, but if you can gather the chaos in your head, and calm the profuse sweating, you just might find some thought provoking information from the mouth of a 5-year-old.

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